You can greed for stacks and gold by taxing your laners, invading, ganking, or whatever but if your camps are on a 2.5 min cd + x (x = time you take to clear them) then you want to minimize the X.Īlso lucidity into sunderer rush, no you getting a kindle gem, glacial shroud and aegis is not worth it as the ability haste is useless in comparison to sunderer power spike. Always make sure your camps are on CD, if you gank and don't need ult to secure the gank, but you spend time taking tower/plates and all your camps are up, make sure to RUSH through your camps, as you get most stacks and most gold from simply insta-clearing the camp. Dec 24, 2021: 4: 4: When the NBA announced its Christmas Day lineup in August, I was irked. Ulting for stacks in the jg is a garunteed use for your ult, if you have no use otherwise then putting the ult to use, even just for some stacks, is very powerful.Īlso jg clear speed > stacks. Stacks TNT is a game about blowing stuff up in a world of jelly physics Summary. The game that can save Christmas I protested vehemently when the NBAs schedule-makers delivered a Golden State-at-Phoenix matchup as part of its Christmas program. Utilized Open Trivia Database API to retrieve trivia questions Built a CRUD RESTful API with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. If you ult krugs as your last camp or first camp, it's typically up before you finish your rotation or start your next rotation. A trivia game web app with MERN Stack that allows a user to answer true or false and multiple-choice questions and login as guest or create an account to save scores. The Saving Function: def askSave (): ask input ('Do you want to saven-> ').upper () if ask 'Y' or ask 'YES': Save Player (PlayerIG.name) Saves the desired class AND a chosen attribute pickle.dump (Save, open ('Save File', 'wb')) Creates the file and puts the data into the file The file doesnt have an extension because it is a. Obviously gank anyone overextended but using ult for stacks while lvl 6 is a big bonus on the stacks especially at krugs/raptors and with AH the cd is usually 60-70 seconds. My #1 rule is when lvl 6 you should DEFINITELY ult for stacks as level 7 is when your ult powerspike becomes big.